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Chapter 03

Entextualization and Preparation in Patterson’s Variations for Double-Bass

...lies “outside” the score, and requires a more flexible view for the performer to find a coherent way forward. I start with Patterson’s instructions on p. 1: pitches, dynamics, durations and number of sounds to be produced in any one...

Chapter 00

Chapter 0: The Ground

...same piece to begin with. Research Questions Despite these nominal failures, the exercise of writing Apples produced a number of new, more nuanced questions from which creative possibilities, collaborations, and extended reflections have emerged ever since: What aspects of improvising...

Chapter 05

Say No Score: a Lexical Improvisation after Bob Ostertag

...A Score can become a notch cut or line, an account kept, number of points made, set of twenty, a topic, piece of good fortune, worst in repartee, and much more. And not to forget a Partitura from the...

Chapter 02

A Treatise Remix Handbook

...realizations of p. 1 – Cardew directing the American premiere, QuaX Ensemble, and Art Lange – last respectively 4:30, 3:30, and 2:00. The number 34 at the beginning of p. 1, interpreted in all three versions as sustained chords, lasts...

Chapter 04

Invitation to Collaborate — Répondez s’il vous plaît!

...Notation is an invitation to collaborate. 1 In the planning of communities a score visible to all the people allows each one of us to respond, to find our own input, to influence before decisions are made. Scoring makes...


...Approach to a Theory of Symbols. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing. Halberstam, Judith. 1998. Female Masculinity. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Hallam, Elizabeth, and Tim Ingold, eds. 2007. Creativity and Cultural Improvisation. Oxford, New York: Berg. Halprin, Lawrence. 1969. The RSVP Cycles:...

Chapter 01

Seeing the Full Sounding my physical potentials and visa versa, but as soon as I try to define these separately I run into problems. 1 Language struggles with depicting physical action, and nowhere is this struggle more evident than in language that tells...

Chapter Ω

Chapter Ω not by any means exhaustively represent the field of notation for improvisers. Nor do they represent, as I explain in Chapter 0 (“Objectives and Criteria”), the potentially infinite number of subcategories imaginable within the field. Rather, I believe they...