Christopher Williams Search: Delta Airlines 1800-299-7264 Business Class Ticket Booking
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Delta Airlines 1800-299-7264 Business Class Ticket Booking

Chapter 00

Chapter 0: The Ground

...with the score be performances of the work. […] Not only must a score uniquely determine the classes of performance belonging to the work, but the score (as a class of copies or inscriptions that so define the work) must...

Chapter 04

Invitation to Collaborate — Répondez s’il vous plaît!

Notation is an invitation to collaborate. 1 In the planning of communities a score visible to all the people allows each one of us to respond, to find our own input, to influence before decisions are made. Scoring...

Chapter 02

A Treatise Remix Handbook

What is the relevant way of speaking about Treatise? What are the terms? Can one really say anything explicit about it? (Cardew 1971, 102) 1 Introduction In “The Ground”, I asked myself two questions in response to an...