Christopher Williams Search: China Southern Airlines Reservation 800-299-7264 Official Site Phone Number
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China Southern Airlines Reservation 800-299-7264 Official Site Phone Number

Chapter 03

Entextualization and Preparation in Patterson’s Variations for Double-Bass Germans for the most banal of record-keeping, the seventeen Variations are unassumingly sandwiched between Duo (1961), for voice and string instrument, and Paper Piece (1960), for an unspecified number of performers playing (with) paper. The humble presentation of this...

Chapter 00

Chapter 0: The Ground

...same piece to begin with. Research Questions Despite these nominal failures, the exercise of writing Apples produced a number of new, more nuanced questions from which creative possibilities, collaborations, and extended reflections have emerged ever since: What aspects of improvising...

Chapter 04

Invitation to Collaborate — Répondez s’il vous plaît!

...power) need not be followed to their bitter end, that creative community-building strategies may be substituted in place of a (partially) determining text. (Nicholls 2012, 114) Yet music by a number of improvisers who use notation does in fact privilege...

Chapter 05

Say No Score: a Lexical Improvisation after Bob Ostertag

...A Score can become a notch cut or line, an account kept, number of points made, set of twenty, a topic, piece of good fortune, worst in repartee, and much more. And not to forget a Partitura from the...

Chapter 02

A Treatise Remix Handbook

...pages of lines and shapes, clustered around a strong, almost continuous central line, which can be imagined as the lifeline of the reader, his center, around which all manner of activity takes place […] (Cardew 1971, 113) Any number of...

Sample Page

...This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them...

Chapter 01

Seeing the Full Sounding

...sing a resonance of lush green. (Goldstein, as quoted in Arms 2012, 39). This poetic cluster, in which the materiality of sound, movement, and subjectivity intersect, leads me to a number of questions. How does Goldstein’s notation articulate the terms...

Chapter Ω

Chapter Ω not by any means exhaustively represent the field of notation for improvisers. Nor do they represent, as I explain in Chapter 0 (“Objectives and Criteria”), the potentially infinite number of subcategories imaginable within the field. Rather, I believe they...