Christopher Williams Search: Девятаев—Девятаев фильмы которые уже вышли фильм на нашем сайте >>>
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Девятаев—Девятаев фильмы которые уже вышли фильм на нашем сайте >>>

Chapter 01

Seeing the Full Sounding to foreground the encounter between physicality and notation in a documentary film made with director Zach Kerschberg entitled Seeing the Full Sounding: Christopher Williams explores two pieces by Malcolm Goldstein. This film traces the dynamic and analytically slippery connections...

Chapter 03

Entextualization and Preparation in Patterson’s Variations for Double-Bass

...but in Variations, we see how this principle in fact undoes the distinction completely. Iron your favorite flag. II In contrast to previous stages of picking through the notation and assembling objects, which proceed bit by bit at the most...

Chapter 00

Chapter 0: The Ground

...dissertation. A number of time-based formats are also left out, including animated scores 14 on film and video by Christian Marclay, Justin Bennett, and Catherine Pancake; realtime computer-generated scores by artists such as Jason Freeman or Pedro Rebelo; and improvised...


...North American and European experimental music circuits, this work has been presented by VPRO Radio 6 (Holland), Deutschlandradio Kultur, the Museum of Contemporary Art Barcelona, and the American Documentary Film Festival. Williams’ artistic research on improvisation, notation, and his body-mind...

Chapter 02

A Treatise Remix Handbook

...of the entire score through a computer program that reads the pages as bit maps. As Feeney explains, “Sine waves are generated from the black areas of the score as it scrolls from right to left, with the y-axis corresponding...